Wednesday, January 26, 2011

No Haters Please!

It's a new year, which means most people are coming up with New Years Resolutions. Or in the case of many, those resolutions have already ended in failure. Well, I've decided this year I'm going to keep up with this blog and write about some more engaging and fun topics!

Let's see, it's January 26th, which means we are in the midst of a little thing called No Name Calling Week. It's so easy to get caught up in making fun of people. Most of us do it without even realizing it! I know I am one of the most sarcastic people I know, and often (okay, more than often) let some words slip. But after taking a few minutes to think about it, I realized that when people direct harsh words at me I can't help but feel there is a little truth to the statement, no matter how jokingly it's said. That's why I am challenging you to take the rest of the week to think about what you say before you say it.

What would the world be like if everyone thought before they spoke? Or to narrow it down a bit, what would UofL's campus be like? To have everyone get along and not have people talking bad behind another person's back or even to their face is a pretty good goal. It may seem far fetched to believe we can have a 100% Hate Free Campus, but if everyone just thinks a little bit more before they speak, this goal is 100% obtainable!

The next time you want to say something rude to or about someone, try a compliment instead! You're not perfect, and neither is anyone else. No one in the world has the right to judge another person. Everyone has faults, as well as strengths. Let's try to see the good in each other!

No More Haters! Only PEACC and Love :)


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